Thursday, July 16, 2009

I could not resist...

Got on the scale today...I am down another two pounds...WOO HOO!!!

I have two more to go for my goal for the week

What I’m doing...

I have begun eating more raw fruits and vegetables. Using my balance ball more, and I am going to sit on it when I watch television at home. I have begun walking at least a mile every day, and will walk more during my breaks at work each day. Using my resistance bands and weights to start building more muscle mass. Gradually get into more challenging exercise like running as I lose more weight.

Breakfast: Tofutti pizza

Lunch: Veggie Plate from the barbecue place...they have to comp me a free one today as they messed up my plate yesterday...Free is good!!!

We had a personal trainer come into the office yesterday...he was very is one on the excercise ball...

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